Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wanna be topped?

Aunti Disestablishmentarian reminded me of a funny scene from a while back.
A girlfriend and I were standing outside of the Egyptian theater, smoking and getting coffee. While girlfriend is busy with the coffee guy, random cheesy guy (RCG for short) walks up to me and starts putting on the hard sell "hey baby"s. The strength of my "No, I'm not interested" was not enough to turn the guy away.

Girlfriend turns around after getting coffee, throws a protective arm around my should and says "Dude, we only like girls"

RCG: That's okay, I only like girls too

Me : Dude, I only sleep with boys when I can top them.

RCG: Oh I like it when girls are on top!

Me: No- top them, with my 8 inch pink strap on.

RCG: I'm not gay.

Me: Doesn't matter.