Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Kissing Inappropriate boys

There is a certain local bar (no- I am not telling you which one) where I always end up kissing inappropriate boys (and sometimes more than kissing).

Last time I went there to see an all girl punk rock band was standard me behaving badly. I have absolutely no idea where Mr. Too Preppy To Be At a Punk Rock Show came from. I don't even remember how we started talking, but I like to freak out the preppy boys- alot.

Somehow Mr. Too Preppy thought it was okay to ask me how many people I have slept with. I think it's a stupid question (and generally shows a serious level of prudishness on the part of the asker). I mean, if the way to get to Carnegie Hall is practice practice practice, I've been doing sold out shows there for years.

So I answered the only way I could "How the fuck should I know, nobody keeps track at orgies".

Knowing full well that the guy was an idiot who I would never sleep with (I have learned that prudishness rarely makes for a fun one night stand) I still ended up making out with the guy. Then his friend showed up, a brooding European guy who was way more my type. Turns out his friend had literally just flown in from Sweden. So Mr. Too Preppy says to Brooding European "This girl is the best kisser ever, man".

Of course, I had to show the Brooding European my skills, so I ended up making out with both of them.

Mr. Too Preppy asked for my number, I gave him the number to the phone I never answer (the line that comes dirt cheap with my internet access and is basically a voice mail waste land for bill collectors and inappropriate boys). While writing the number down for him, he has the gall to say "I have to be honest, I don't think I could ever seriously date a smoker".

"Who said anything about dating?" was my answer. Cause really, when was the last time you heard a dating story that ended in a serious relationship start with "We met outside of bar and I knew it was for keeps by the way she was alternating between sucking face with me and my best friend."

Of course, I could totally see a Brooding European saying that, but he's not the one that asked for my number.

(That night I actually ended up going home with a very hot Peruvian, but that's a whole nother story)