Thursday, December 20, 2007


I know I mostly write about tawdry sex, and bad tawdry sex at that. But if it wasn't for the good stuff that comes from interacting with boys, I wouldn't keep taking the risks of the bad experiences in hope for something good. Besides, the bad ones make for fun stories to tell to friends and loved ones, so they are not completely wasted.

About a year ago I started emailing Hot Hot Horst. He's a journalist in Austria, he was working on a story and I had some insight for him. Since then we have been emailing each other regularly. We share a love of travel and art. When I mentioned an artist I love, he told me that he's done work for a museum that showcases her work. When 6- yes 6 people died last year , it was his emails that made me feel better.

So in March I am going to Paris and he may meet me there. I'm a wee bit nervous at the thought of it. Reality rarely lives up to fantasy, but it is a very romantic plot for two international strangers to meet in Paris. The secret mushy romantic that hides inside my cynical exterior is all a flutter.

Besides- did I mention he is hot. Like former model hot? At the very least, I may come back with some funny stories of bad dates and/or sex while traveling, so it won't be a complete waste.