Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Top 10 Break Up Songs

Once, in the midst of a relationship that was bad, bad bad (you know the ones where no amount of logical thinking will let you end it before everyone is wounded and bloody) I made they guy a mix CD. But not a regular mix CD, but a CD full of bitter, cynical love songs.

These songs I played over and over and over on my MP3 player until I was finally done with the guy just so I could remember how awful he made me feel. I thought I would share few, so here is a list of my top 10 break up songs.

10) The Magnetic Fields- I Don't Believe You (Is there ANYTHING better than a bitter Stephen Merrit when breaking up? Prolly not)

9) The Shins- Gone For Good

8) Sooooooo embarrassed to admit this: Gwen Stefani- Holla Back Girl (It's a great song for stomping around and using angry energy to get stuff done, but I am still ashamed)

7) Jude- The Asshole Song

6) Rufus Wainright- Instant Pleasure (this could actually be my theme song, but it was good to be reminded while I went through rebound boys)

5) April March- Chic Habit

4) The Sundays- Goodbye

3)Kaiser Chiefs - Every day I love you less and less

2) Postal Service- Nothing Better
I love the line about charts and graphs

1) The Decemberists- The Mariner's Revenge (at one point I sat naked on top of the guy and sang the chorus to him -I told you it was bloody)

Find him
Bind him
Tie him to a pole
and break his fingers
to splinters
then drag him to a hole
until he wakes up
clawing at the ceiling of his grave