Tuesday, January 1, 2008

More hot or not from the RQ

It's a new year! And to help people with their resolutions, I give you my hot/not hot list for 2008!

Not hot: Boys in polo shirts. I once read that we dress the service class in uniforms similar to what the wealthy wear when at play. That's why you have a gazillion Starbucks barristas wearing polos and khakis as a uniform (put khakis on my list of things guys should not wear to get laid). A guy in a polo shirt no longer registers as wealthy preppy boy, but as someone who will take my orders at a drive through.

Hot: Boys in sweaters. yum.

So hot I will do bad things in public that could get me arrested: Boys in cashmere sweaters. I have a serious fetish for cashmere. I once threatened to do unspeakable things to someone's cashmere sweater. While he thought it was hot, he never wore the sweater around me again. Something about not wanting to explain it to the dry cleaners.

Not Hot: People (boys and girls) who LOL things that aren't funny just to seem like they are charming and witty. I never LOL, things that are actually funny make people actually laugh.

Hot: People who are actually charming and witty. Sarcasm, irony, brains are all better aphrodisiacs than a case of PBR.

Super Hot: Someone who is witty and charming and has a bigger vocabulary than me. I can remember the last time someone used a word in a way that I was unfamiliar with (the word was catholic, meaning worldly, not religious). I was impressed, but unfortunately he was wearing khakis and polo shirt so I couldn't sleep with him. That was almost 2 years ago.

Not Hot: Super short, super long, or super product hair. I know, guys don't have a shitload of options in the hair department, but super short is boring, super long is cheesy and anyone who uses more product than me is too high maint.

Hot: Long enough to put your fingers in, but not long enough to make a pony tail. Bonus points if your hair is naturally messy and wavy.

Not Hot: "natural" smelling boys. Seriously, here's some soap. I don't know if it's the crunchy granola Seattle thing or that I hang out with too many hipster musicians, but bathing regularly does not make you a sellout to corporate America.

Hot: Boys who use Downey. I can't use it myself (it gives me headaches) but I love cuddling up next to a boy who uses it.

Super Hot: a boy who smells a little bit like soap up close, and nothing else.

What's on your hot list?