Monday, January 7, 2008

Quick Poll

If you're in a relationship, maybe you have the "special pass" list of people you could have an affair with on the wildly outrageous chance that the opportunity came up. If you're not in a relationship (like me) maybe you just have a crush list. Share!

From my movies that make me squirmy post, you peeps prolly know that Clive Owen and Javier Bardem top my list. And you're not really a feminist unless you have a crush on Stephen Colbert. I just happen to think a Colbert/John Stewart threesome would be the ultimate sex act.

And then there's Sendhil Ramamurthy, hot Heroes doctor.

And just to get all brainy on you all, George Monbiot.

And arty, Preston Singletary

And music, Colin Meloy