Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I love IMDB

So to cheer myself up and just for fun, I went and did a key word search on IMDB for the word "feminist" in their biographies.

Not surprisingly, there are a shitload of anti-feminist quotes from a lot of men. There are a ton of stupid quotes from women including Sarah Michelle Geller "It makes me think of women who don't shave their legs." - on what the word "feminist" means. (Sorry B)

But there are also some really cool things I found out, like Saffron Burrows (who I have always thought was the most gorgeous, classy woman ever) is gay and dating the woman who plays Mrs. Dursley in the Harry Potter movies. I am more shocked by the Mrs. Dursley part than the gay part because I cannot picture Mrs. Dursley as anything but awful. I guess that is a testament to her acting skills.

Also, the number of actresses whose parents were feminists and/or socialist activists is astonishing, including Burrows and Nicole Kidman.