Monday, February 11, 2008

Life Lesson #3462

Save the pics of boys you have previously fucked with their emails. That way when they email you out of the blue a year later, you know who the fuck it is.

This has happened twice in the last two weeks. The first time I was able to dig through old emails and figure it out (Oh yeah, you're THAT Rick, the one who only wanted to talk about his ginormous penis).

This time, no such luck. I know he was one of a string of hot Indian boys I dated. Was he the guy I made out with in front of Victrola? Was he the one whose aunt came to live with him because his mom couldn't leave India and he needed someone to take care of him (I SHIT YOU NOT). Was he that bland other one that I might have fucked on the couch - the murder couch before it was murdered?

Also, why at the same time? Did a naked picture of me make it onto a porn site and now these boys are reminded that I'm awesome? ( A very real possibility and why I'll never run for political office). These are all boys from an exceptionally slutty period about 3 years ago. (I didn't write a blog then so I had much more time for drunken one-night stands ;)