Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Problem With Being A Grown Up

I believe that we choose to fall in love. Sure, once we make that choice, we may act like idiots who cannot control themselves. But there is always a moment where we decide if we are going to take the risk and fall.

The problem with being a grown up is that I am smart enough now to choose not to fall. It means that there are fewer whirlwind romances and cases of being swept off my feet. And sometimes a good hard fall is fun, at least till you land.

Now that I am a grown up, the "little" irritating things that would send me into a tailspin of self-doubt (but why won't he call, what did he mean by that comment, etc, etc) now just annoy. And tip the scales in favor of the not falling category. I don't see them as proof of some horrible internal flaw of mine, but rather as proof of horrible manners (at best) or a serious lack of respect (at worst). And quite honestly, I don't have time for bad manners or disrespect.

But maybe I am being to harsh.

A friend and I were chatting yesterday about my current irritant.

Friend: Maybe he's just scared.

Me: I don't have any patience for emotional cowards.

Friend: Most people are emotional cowards.

Me: I'm not, I think that explains why I'm single.

Friend: You're single cause you want to be.

ME: Only partly true. I like having a regular person, I just like them to go home when I'm done with them.

Whatever. I still don't have time or energy for bad manners or disrespect. There are just so many fish in the sea.